Case Studies

Willow from London

Willow, from south-east London, lives with Aicardi syndrome - a rare genetic condition, causing her to experience severe, uncontrolled epilepsy and learning and mobility disabilities. Willow wished to have her own festival for her 16th birthday – Willowfest.


Her first seizure happened when Willow was just four months old, and now she has multiple seizures every day, including dangerous ‘drop’ seizures, where she falls to the floor without warning. She wears a helmet to protect her, but the knock to Willow’s confidence and independence has not healed: she has lost the ability to be independently mobile which she worked so hard for. However much she wants to feel confident, her condition will always be a barrier.

Mum, Viv, explained: “You don’t ever get used to your child suffering. Every single seizure is still horrible. Even after a horrible seizure, she’ll be smiling five minutes later. Her default position is ‘happy’ and that’s what we try to focus on.”

A celebration of Willow

Music, books and monkeys are Willow’s favourite things. She’s mostly non-verbal but music helps her to come alive, as she sings, dances and gets lost in the melodies. Viv turned to Make-A-Wish to create an accessible festival experience for Willow and her friends - a celebration of Willow that she wouldn’t otherwise be able to have. With the support of Make-A-Wish, WillowFest was born!

Viv told us: “So many people have been part of Willow’s life, and we wanted everyone to be involved in her wish, as a thank you and as a celebration of Willow. We wouldn’t be here without the support of all of those people.”

A community of support

Wishgranter, Becky, called on members of the public to help grant Willow’s wish by donating their services, time and skills. The response was incredible as performers, bands, and individuals all offered their help to create one of Make-A-Wish UK’s biggest wishes to date.

The birth of WillowFest

Mum, Viv, said: “I can’t quite believe it’s happened. This is a memory that all of us will have forever. Not just us three, but all the people here. I’ve felt so much emotion today – I’ve been really overwhelmed by the number of goodhearted people that have come together to make this happen. It has been an amazing collective effort of people who do and don’t know Willow that have so generously given their time. It’s been an absolutely fantastic celebration of Willow’s life. The doctor who diagnosed her was here, her old speech and language therapist, her nurses, her old teachers.”

A special day

“Music gets to her in a way that nothing else does. Seeing Willow happy has been the best thing today. I would like to thank Make-A-Wish wholeheartedly for making this happen. They make wishes come true and that’s phenomenal.”

Poundland Foundation Success Quote
Seeing Willow happy has been the best thing today. I would like to thank Make-A-Wish wholeheartedly for making this happen. They make wishes come true and that’s phenomenal.
-- Viv, mother