Golden Eagles FC
Punjab u8’s_1

Apply for Support

Grant programmes

Our current grant programme is Kits 4 Kids. If you're a local kids' sports club/organisation or team then we could support you with a grant of up to £750 to buy new kit.

Find out more

Punjab u8’s_1
Milking Bank Rangers

What is Kits 4 Kids?

We want to support local kids' sport clubs to keep children active by taking part in the sport or activity they love!

Grants of up to £750 are available to buy new kit (clothing). We accept applications from organisations across the UK.

Applications are currently closed. If you submitted an application recently then you'll hear from us again by 21st June.

Due to the volume of applications we receive, we can't respond to questions. We will notify you by email if your application has been successful or not.

When can I apply?

Applications are currently closed.

Cardiff City Ladies
Rutherford FC

Our support so far...

Since we launched in May 2021 we've awarded £400,000 to almost 600 local kids' sports clubs across the UK.